Jonathan Seiling, PhD
Academic translation into English from:
German (early modern and modern)
manuscript critique
conversion of documents (with or without images) into print-ready text, both pdf and ebook formats
Technical Writing
grant proposals, specializing in research funding and nonprofit organizations and community projects
History of Central Europe and Russia
(Culture and Literature)
Mennonites in Canada
Anabaptist History and Theology
Radical Reformation Studies
Enlightenment Philosophy
Editions and Translations
2008-2010 SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, University of Toronto
Research Topic: Johann Fabri and Religious Dissent
Supervisor: Erika Rummel
2003-2008 PhD, Department of History of Christianity
University of St Michael’s College, TST, University of Toronto
Major: History of Christian Thought
Minor: Early Modern Period
Thesis: From Antinomy to Sophiology: Modern Russian Religious Consciousness and Sergei Bulgakov’s Critical Appropriation of German Idealism
Supervisors: T. Allan Smith with Paul W. Franks, Donna Tussing Orwin
2002-2003 Master of Theological Studies
Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo
Cognate Topic: The Early Biblical Hermeneutics of Basil the Great
Fernando Enns ed., Jonathan R. Seiling ed. & trans., Mennonites in Dialogue: Official Reports from International and National Ecumenical Encounters, 1975-2012, Pickwick, 504 pages (July 2015) 978-1-4982-0363-0.
Mario D’Souza CSB, ed., Jonathan R. Seiling, assoc. ed., Being in the World: The Quotable Jacques Maritain, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2014, 320 pages (Fall 2014). 978-0-268-00899-4
2010 “JohannFabri’s JUSTIFICATION Concerning the Execution of Balthasar Hubmaier.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 84.1 (Jan 2010): 117-39.
2010 “Hans Schlaffer and Leonhard Frick, A Simple Prayer, Confession of Sin and Open Confession of Faith.” with John D. Rempel and C.J. Dyck. In Jörg Maler’s Kunstbuch. Ed. John Rempel. Classics of the Radical Reformation. (Kitchener: Herald Press, 2010), 269-301.
2007 “Christoph Freisleben’s On the Genuine Baptism of John, Christ and the Apostles.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 81.4 (Oct 2007): 623-654.
2006 “Ludwig Hätzer’s ‘Preface’ to Baruch, Susanna and Bel and the Dragon.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 80.1 (Jan 2006): 35–42.